
| Data base for TESLA-type cavities, modules and couplers


Data base for TESLA-type cavities, modules and couplers

XFEL database

Data base for TESLA-type cavities, modules and couplers

Data base for TESLA-type cavities, modules and couplers

XFEL database

Graphical User Interface

In case the graphical user interface does not appear after pressing the link, please try to reload the related website. We apologize for the inconvenience and are working on a solution for this issue.



This website is still under construction. In case of problems please contact Jonas Wolff (Jonas.Wolff@desy.de).

Publication Policy

The cavity database may contain so-far unpublished results. It is best practice to leave the publication to those having done the actual work. If you want to use some data as reference for other projects, please contact us. The database responsibles are happy to help you contacting the relevant colleagues.


The access to the R&D section is open under the conditions listed in the publication policy. For the European XFEL database the access is restricted. To apply for an account please contact Jens Iversen (Jens.Iversen@desy.de) or Lea Steder (Lea.Steder@desy.de).